El ansia de identidad juvenil y la educación. Del individualismo mediático contemporáneo y las estrategias educativas
Paraules clau:
Adolescence, youth, values, identity, communication, media, culture.Resum
This article analyses the interaction between mass youth culture and the adoption by the media of adolescent values that are functional for a consumer society. Inside this interaction we present on the one hand the process of construction of an individualist identity and on the other a set of including or excluding social dynamics. We reflect on how the media system generates tribal models that are offered to the young in a consumer supermarket. Faced with this situation, from the perspective of social and psychosocial intervention to promote satisfactory interaction between thegenerations, we propose five lines of action: empowering appropriate media awareness, increasing communicative participation, irnproving the calm construction of identity, improving intergenerational communication and empowering self-construction of the ego.
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