Bases teóricas para una concepción heterogénea del pensamiento verbal


  • Juan Daniel Ramírez Garrido
  • Mercedes Cubero Pérez

Paraules clau:

Heterogeneity of thinking, qualitative change, semiotic tools, activity settings.


This paper describes three conceptual bases for the hypothesis of the heterogeneity of verbal thinking as a conceptual alternative for the understanding of the relationship between culture and cognition: 1) The ideas of Lévy-Bruhl, which allow us to defend the existence of qualitative change in ways of thinking both in a culture and in an individual. 2) The Vygotskian analysis of the development of concepts which permits an explanation of the change in the units of thinking. This will allow us to establish conclusions about what it is that changes in hurman thought. 3) The Theory of Activity developed by Leontiev, as well as Wertsch's development of this theory introducing the concept of the activity setting as a motor of change in thinking. This conception will provide us with the key as to why verbal thinking changes.





