Meta-análisis de la eficacia de las habilidades de afrontamiento en problemas clínicos y de salud en España
Paraules clau:
Coping skills, self-corltrol, stress inoculation, anxiety management, cognitive-behavioural tecniques, meta-analysis.Resum
In this paper the results of a meta-analytic review about the eficacy of coping skills on clinical and health problems are presented. A total of 24 independent empirical studies were found which met the selection criteria from 1980 to 1997. The effect size index chosen to summarise the results of the studies was the standardised mean difference, obtaining an average value of d+ = 1.431. The results showed statistically significant differences among applying self-control techniques, stress inoculation, and other techniques for managing anxiety, self-control being the most effective (d+= 1.971). The influence of moderator variables such as age, gender; type of problem, design quality; etc., was also analysed. Finally, theoretical and clinical implications of the results are discussed.Descàrregues
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