Identificación y descripción de los patrones de carrera de una muestra de jóvenes durante la fase de incorporación a su primer empleo
Paraules clau:
Career patterns, youth, first jobResum
This article aims to identify the career of young people who have recently entered full-time employment. The socio-demographic characteristics included in each pattern are analysed as well as the possible psychological consequences of the patterns identified. 215 young people were interviewed. At the time of the interview, all were working in their first full time job as machine operator (in the metal industry) or as administrative staff (in a range of industries). They had been employed between 3 and 9 months. The results identify three transition patterns: delayed transition from school to full-time work; early transition from unemplyment to full-time work, and transition to full-time job but in combination with further education. The data obtained also present significant differemces between groups as regards psychological well being and behavioral strategies deployed to cope with job demands.Descàrregues
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