Epidemiología del juego patológico en España


  • Elisardo Becoña Iglesias

Paraules clau:

Pathological gambling, gambling problem, prevalence, adulthood, adolescence.


Pathological gambling is a grave problem affecting a large number of people. Gambling has increased exponentially in Spain since it was legalized in 1977. The appearance of thefirst pathological gamblers after legalization has been followed by a constant annual increase in the numer of pathological gamblers. A survey of the prevalence studies of pathological gambling carried out in Spain indicates that no less than 1.5% of the population over the age of 18 arc pathological gamblers. Among children and adolescents the rafe is even higher, between 1.6 and 2.4%. To this we have to add another high risk group: rhe problem gambler. A comparison of prevalence data in Spain with those from other countries shows that very high levels of pathological gamblers have appeared in the short time since legalization. The data underline the urgent need to make society aware of this serious addictive problem in order to ensure that more treatrnent programs and other activities are available for gamblers and their families and to prevent the appearance of new pathological gamblers.





