Tratamiento farmacológico del juego patológico
Paraules clau:
treatment pharmacological, psychopharmacology, pathological gambling.Resum
Pharmacological treatment of pathological gambling comes up against a series of difficulties: absence of a universally accepted neurobiological model, patient reluctance to undergo treatment and high dropout rates, frequent comorbidity with other disorders and absence of controlled trials for comparison of different forms of treatment in the same population. The clinician can approach the pharmacological treatment of pathological gambling in a number of ways: adopting un etiopathogenic approach treating the pathologies associated with pathological gambling or treating this behaviour as a symptom of another psychiatric pathology such as a manic episode. The authors assess various drugs proposed elsewhere in several studies. The authors do not recommend one specific drug in pathological gambling, but rather suggest various possibilities depending on the patient's characteristics.Descàrregues
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