Incidencia del entrenamiento en la competencia comunicativa. Una perspectiva referencial-ecológica
Paraules clau:
Referential communication, Training communicative skills.Resum
The aim of this research, from a referential-ecological perspective, is to identify the effects on communicative competence of a complete training program in communication skills, role-taking, and monitoring. The changes observed in the communicative behaviour are used to evaluate the effects of the training program. We expected un improvement in the aualitv of the messaae and an increase in the communicative control (message restructuring, internal regulations and partner regulations) on the part of the speaker; a decrease in the regulation and maintenance of the communicative channel on the part of the experimenter; and, as regards the listener, an improvement in performance, an increase in the number of clarification questions, and an increase in communicative control behaviours. Two experimental groups and a control group, each comprising eight pairs, were formed from a pool of 48 five-year-old children. Both experimental groups achieved a significant improvement on each communicative indicator compared with the control group. These results lead us to support the hypothesis that skills acquired via training are relevant to communicative success.Descàrregues
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