Influencia de los modelos intuitivos en la comprensión de la multiplicación y la división


  • Purificación Rodríguez Marcos
  • Ma. Oliva Lago
  • Ángela Zamora
  • Luz Madroño

Paraules clau:

Intuitive models, multiplication, division, problem solving, problem posing.


Since the stdy by Fischbein et al. (1985) which suggested that children develop intuitive models about multiplication and division early, much research has offered data that corroborate these models. In this study we analyze the differential weight of the models in three kid of task: algorithms, problem solving, and problem posing. We included two age groups (1st of ESO and 8th of EGB), and three kid of quantities (whole numbers, decimals and fractions). The results indicated that the intuitive models did not have the same differential weight for the different tasks. For instance, the problem posing task did not seem suited to the conditions under which the intuitive models act. Likewise, the presence of quantities that failed to observe one or more restrictions of the models did not have a negative influence. In contrast, the errors committed in the two remaining tasks were almost exclusively due to the application of the intuitive rules.





