Análisis del puesto de gerente de instalaciones deportivas: tareas reactivas y proactivas
Paraules clau:
Management, Job Analysis, Sport Facility, Reaction, ProactionResum
The need for organizations to adapt to increasingly complex environments has motivated research into standardized managerial tasks (reaction) and tasks related to anticipation, search and extra-role behaviour (proaction) (Toulson & Smith, 1994). This paper has two aims: a) to determine whether there are two distinguishable kinds of managerial tasks which can be identified as reactive/proactive; and b) to study the degree of development of reactive/proactive managerial tasks in recently professionalized sports installations. A survey based on task inventory techniques was specifically designed (Gael, 1988). The sample consisted of 73 managers of diferent kinds of sports installations. Results confirm the existence of reactive and proactive managerial performance. The results also show that proactive tasks are less developed than reactive ones. The implications of the study are discussed.Descàrregues
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