Un modelo causal psicosocial de los accidentes laborales
Paraules clau:
Work Accidents, Occupational-Safety, Accident-Prevention, Causal-Models.Resum
The purpose of this research was to devise and test a psychosocial causal model of accidents ut work. It was hypothesized that the safety climate would have causal effects on the supervisors' safety response; that supervisors' safety response would have causal effects on the co-workers' safety response, and co-workers' safety response together with safety climate and supervisors' safety response would have causal effects on workers' safety behaviour. Safety climate, basal risk and the worker safety behaviour would have independent causal effects on real risk, andfinally, real risk would have causal effects on accidents. Data were gathered from 316 industrial workers, and the model was tested using EQS. The Lagrange multiplier test and the Wald test suggested some improvements. The modified model, including extra effects from the safety climate and basal risk, showed a goodfit to the data.Descàrregues
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