Estudi longitudinal de la reestructuració del missate en nens bilingües i monolingües dins d'un programa escolar d'immersió lingüística
Paraules clau:
Referential Communication, Bilingualism, Linguistic Immersion, Message, Metacognition.Resum
This study analyzes the effects of a linguistic immersion programme on message restructuring. Subjects were first interviewed ut age 4;6, and reevaluated two years later. The communication was ecological-referential, and took into consideration the guidance offered by the adult examiner. The results show that even at age 6;6, the subjects in the immersion group are not yet able to produce results comparable to those of the monolingual group. The authors concluded that at this age children are still unable to overcome the cognitive conflict created by the situation of linguistic contact.Descàrregues
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