Las relaciones interpersonales en el marco de la familia: algunas reflexiones metodológicas
Paraules clau:
Interpersonal relationships, Aging in family context, Methodological considerations.Resum
This paper seeks to identify and discuss some of the problems involved in the study of the psychosocial aspects of aging within the family. It sets out to provide a framework for methodological debate. A number of ideas are put forward as tentative proposal for solving certain problems, e.g. the search for comparative data, from which is derived the principle that the sample should be made up from different data sources related to the same field of study. Clearly the onus is upon the individual researcher to decide upon the most suitable solution in each case. Our analysis aims to draw attention to the need to conduct research in close accordance with scientific procedure, in spite of the dificulties which might arise in the context within which the research is being carried out.Descàrregues
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