Estrategias para afrontar el envejecimiento y diferencias asociadas a la edad: una aproximación a través del análisis de contenido
Paraules clau:
Aging, Adaptation, Aging perception, Coping strategies, Content analysis, Qualitative methods.Resum
This study seeks to analyse the nature of the strategies adopted in coping with age and to explore any correlations between age and the preference shown for these strategies. Forty-eight people were interviewed (16 young people, 16 middle-aged people and 16 elderly people) and their responses were subjected to content analysis. Our results indicated that a wide range of strategies exist, some involving external behaviours others cognitive change, but that generally both types of strategy were considered simultaneously. The elderly tended to mention a greater nurnber of internal strategies although this tendency was not statistically significant. More specifically, young people tended to mention keeping active as a way of coping with aging, whereas the elderly highlighted the need for peace and quiet.Descàrregues
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