Subjetivación y vinculación en el proceso de envejecimiento
Paraules clau:
Old age, Internalization, Subjectivation, Linking, Group dynamics, Elderly.Resum
Subjectivation and linking are two processes essential to good aging. This article examines these theoretical concepts within the framework of un intervention project conducted with the aged. This took the forn of a group dynamics study entitled "Social gatherings among the elderly", via which these processes were activated. Subjectivation is the ability of the "subject" to symbolize, depict and construct the process of aging, via the internalization of these attitudes. Linking is understood as the capacity to establish relationships with new or everyday "objects", thus avoiding a narcissistic regression. These two attitudes are necessary to good aging, their absence predisposes, to a certain extent, a pathological aging process.Descàrregues
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