La percepción del habla: problemas y restricciones computacionales


  • Luís Enrique López Bascuas

Paraules clau:

Speech Perception, Acoustic Variabilio, Segmentation, Auditory Constraints, Linguistic Constraints.


The purpose of this work is two fold. On the one hand, we try to establish the main problems of speech perception, on the other, we discuss two possible sources of informational constraints that could lead to the solutions of those problems. The main problem of speech percep tion derives from the complex relationship between acoustic signal and phonological message recovered by the listener. This problem can be overcome either by using psychophysical constraints imposed by the auditory system or employing specijic linguistic knowledge only available when speech signuls are to be processed. A third alternative is that speech perception might rest on auditory transformation that are special to speech. It is an empirical question to elucidate what sort of constraints human beings use in the processes of speech perception.





