La regulación de la adopción en España: examen pàrticular de la adopción internacional
Paraules clau:
Adoption, International Adoption, The Hague Convention.Resum
In Spain, the basic rules on adoption are included in the Law 21/1987. However, three new elements have to be considered. First, the fact of the impresive development of intercountry adoption in the latest years. Second, the partage of jurisdiction between the State and the Autonomous Communities in which Spain is organized. Last but not least, the entry into force for Spain of The Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on protection of children un co-operation in respect of intercountry adoption. With these elements and the most recent changes introduced by the Organic Law 1/1996, on the juridical protection of children, a landscope of the nowedays problems on the constitution and recognition of adoption may be obtained.Descàrregues
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