Awaking municipalities for health promotion: A case study in rural communities
Paraules clau:
health-promotion, empowerment, rural-context, social-participationResum
Since the official proclamation of the promotion of the health as an objective of public health politics (Ottawa, 1986), the attention centred on the development and promotion of the health resources for the population. Understanding for “health assets” any factor or resource that promotes individuals, communities, and populations capacity to maintain health and welfare. The study is a user-centred design that considers participants as active subject that helps us to understand the reality inside its frame of reference. Research is carried out from the community and with the community in a participatory process in rural communities and with the objective to qualify, fortify and empower to the communities in relation to the concept of health. Tree exploratory focal groups and fourteen in depth interviews were carried out. Results identify how professionals and users defined health concept and describe people practices and feelings related to health assets of their community. To conclude with the design of a plan of action that contributes to the promotion of the health and to the community empowerment.Descàrregues
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