Emotional Education Program “Pisotón” for the Promotion of the Mental Health of Children in Territories Affected by the Colombian Armed Conflict: a Comparative Study





Educación Emocional, Desarrollo psicoafectivo, Salud mental infantil, infancia, Comparación de proporciones


A comparative study of children’s mental health before and after the implementation of the Pisotón Emotional Education Program was assessed. A sample of 6,808 boys and girls between three and seven years

of age in 18 departments affected by the Colombian armed conflict was used. The instrument Fables of Düss was applied. Proportion comparison tests using Chi square and Z tests were performed. Significant differences between groups were studied. Significant differences in the components of children’s mental health, before and after the implementation of the Pisotón Program were found in the Normal, Significant and Resistance classifications, especially for these components: degree of dependence-independence, management of sexual anguish, fraternal relationships, handling of aggression, and handling of desires and fears. 

Author Biographies

Lizzette Del Carmen López Aristizabal, Universidad del Norte

Psicóloga, Magíster en Psicología Clínica, Ph.D (C) Psicología

Ana Rita Russo de Sanchez, Universidad del Norte

Directora del Programa de Educación y Desarrollo Psicoafectivo Pisotón, Doctora en Filosofia y ciencias de la Educación Universidad de Salamanca, España.

Liceth Paola Reales Silvera, Universidad del Norte

Coordinadora de Investigaciones del Programa de Educación y Desarrollo Psicoafectivo Pisotón, Psicóloga, Magíster en Desarrollo Social.

Humberto Jesus Llinas Solano, Universidad del Norte

Profesor Titular del Departamento de Matemáticas y Estadística de la Universidad del Norte, Doctor en Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad De Maine. 




