Relationship between Natives and Latin American Migrants in a neighborhood of Barcelona from the view of community leaders and professionals of socio-community services: notes for the Psychological Acculturation


  • Claudia Saldivia Mansilla Universitat de Barcelona
  • Moisés Carmona Monferrer Universitat de Barcelona
  • Francisco Javier Serrano Blasco Universitat de Barcelona



Aculturación psicológica, Inmigrantes latinoamericanos, Comunidad, Barcelona, Líderes comunitarios


The purpose of this research was to analyse the relationship between Natives and Latin American Migrants within a community context, from the perspective of its relevant actors. El Carmel neighbourhood was selected among others in Barcelona due to its large cultural diversity and significant Latin American migrant ethnic group. A case study design was used in the research and one-on-one semi-structured interviews conducted with four community leaders and four social-community service professionals. Thematic analysis was performed as a data analytic method. The interviewees characterized the research neighbourhood by its cultural coexistence more than cultural communal living. Despite sharing common physical space, intercultural exchanges seldom occur. Community participation is generally perceived as low. Nevertheless, organized meetings in the neighbourhood are regarded positively in the intercultural relationships as the individual itself and their personal attitude in the intercultural contact is perceived as more important. The symbolic racist attitude displayed by a number of Natives towards Latin American migrants is considered one of the main barriers in the relationship between groups. In spite of that, interviewees believe psychological acculturation is produced in members of both cultural groups although the predominance of cultural coexistence. Finally, cultural identity emerges as a key element to be investigated in the acculturation process. 

Author Biographies

Claudia Saldivia Mansilla, Universitat de Barcelona

Psicóloga, Master en Psicología, Doctoranda Programa Psicología Social y de las organizaciones, Facultat de Psicología, Universitat de Barcelona

Moisés Carmona Monferrer, Universitat de Barcelona

Psicólogo, Profesor asociado Departamento de Psicologia Social y Cuantitativa, Facultat de Psicología, Universitat de Barcelona

Francisco Javier Serrano Blasco, Universitat de Barcelona

Psicólogo, Profesor Titular Departamento de Psicología Social y Cuantitativa, Facultat de Psicologia, Universitat de Barcelona




