Psychometric properties of the Depression Clinical Evaluation Test in the Spanish general population


  • María Guillot Valdés Universidad de Granada
  • Alejandro Guillén Riquelme Español
  • Español Español
  • Español Universidad de Granada



depresión, análisis factorial confirmatorio, fiabilidad, validez


Depression is a mental illness that requires assessment instruments that provide reliable and valid measures. The Depression Clinical Evaluation Test is a multifactorial instrument created in order to cover the broad symptomatology of depression at different time points (month, year and always). In this paper we confirm its factor structure, obtain reliability coefficients and provide evidence about the relationship of its scores with those of the Beck Depression Inventory-II. Method. The Depression Clinical Evaluation Test and the Beck Depression Inventory-II were administered to 501 people from the general population without diagnosed psychological disorders (Mage = 36, SD = 16, 51% female). Results.  The fit of the original 12-factor model was adequate, as well as good reliability indicators; correlations of the Depression Clinical Evaluation Test scores with the Beck Depression Inventory-II scores were moderate-high. Conclusions. The Depression Clinical Evaluation Test is confirmed as an instrument with adequate psychometric properties for assessing depression in adults.





Scientific communications