Present and future of interpersonal violence in the welfare state


  • Antonio Andrés Pueyo


Interpersonal violence, domestic violence, violent crime, prospective, public health


The current reality of interpersonal violence in our society shows a worrying situation. Despite the widespread social improvements in recent decades, rather than decrease, it seems to increase. The World Health Organization has shown the importance of the effects of violence on welfare and health and therefore has initiated a new approach to analysis of violence. Among the various kinds of violence, one of the most concerning is interpersonal violence. We propose a prospective analysis of interpersonal violence, in a horizon of 10 to 15 years, and then we suggest different predictions depending on the types of interpersonal violence, according to the specific risk factors and the particular scenarios for each type of violence, distinguishing gender and domestic violence and other exercised over strangers. The analysis of the confluence of risk factors and preventive strategies in each type of interpersonal violence we presented will define the future of interpersonal violence


