Relationship between leadership styles, values and organizational culture: A study with civilian and military leaders


  • Martín Nader


We present data corresponding to a study that had as main objective to determine if organizational culture and the personal and organizational values influence military and civilian leadership styles. We have administered the CELID (Castro Solano, Nader Casullo, 2004), the Portrait Values Questionnaire (Schwartz, 1987, 1992, 1994, 2000, 2001; Castro Solano Nader, 2006), the Organizational Description Questionnaire (Bass Avolio, 1992; Nader, Lupano Perugini Castro Solano, 2007) and the VAL Questionnaire (Casullo Castro Solano, 2004) to 226 civilian leaders and 138 military leaders. The results showed that transformational civilian leaders are influenced by transformational culture while transformational military leaders are influenced by personal and organizational values. Lastly, the tansactional civil leaders refer to be influenced mainly by the organizational culture while their military colleagues referred to be influenced by the organizational values.




