Single motherhood by choice: a preliminary approach


  • Mª el Mar González Rodríguez
  • Marta Díez
  • Irene Jiménez Lagares
  • Beatriz Morgado Camacho


This article outlines ways of approaching single motherhood by choice. An initial quantitative study was undertaken by collecting data from organizations in charge of international adoptions and assisted reproduction centres. Theinformation obtained indicated that at least 9% of international adoptions and 3% of assisted reproductive pregnancies in Spain were undertaken by single mothers, characteristically middle-aged, well-educated women, with sufficient economic means to maintain their families. A qualitative study of the in-depthinterviews conducted with 23 of these women indicated that they lacked a partner, but were financially and psychologically independent; because of their age, they decided to fulfil their desire to become mothers. This decision was taken from a position of epowerment, and the experience of motherhood as a central point in their lives.





Dossier: Mujeres, ciclos vitales y bienestar (Coordina: Anna Freixas Farré)