Marital conflict, parental support, and school adjustment in adolescents


  • Gonzalo Musitu Ochoa
  • Belén Martínez Ferrer
  • Sergio Murgui Pérez


This study analyses the influence of marital conflict (breaking-up and violence as conflict resolution strategies) and parental support on school adjustment by considering their relationship to social self-esteem and school-based violence among adolescents. Participants were 733 adolescents from four schools in the region of Valencia, their ages ranging from 11 to 16 years old. Data were analysed by means of a structural equation model. The results showed that marital conflict and parental support (father and mother) are indirectly related to school adjustment through their relationship to social self-esteem and school-based violence. In particular, support from both parents was related to social self-esteem, where as maternal support and marital conflict were related to school-based violence. The findings and their possible implications are discussed.





Dossier: Adolescencia en un contexto familiar y comunitario (Editor: Alfredo Oliva)