The evaluation of the group activity. The AAG and the data processing: DSCLIMA of SOCIOS


  • Rául Vicente
  • José Manuel Cornejo Álvarez
  • Francisco Barbero


Professionals in groups require a mastery of specialized methodologies, strategies and techniques for the description and analysis of group interactions and processes. Given the complexity of group analysis, the search for simple, easy-to-apply instruments with little demand for resources is intense. In this study we apply the DSCLIMA module (from the SOCIOS applications system for group interaction analysis) in a group evaluation protocol (AAG). This multiple longitudinal study comprises 16 meetings with different observation focuses. Here we present technical information on the procedures used. The “Analysis of group activity” protocol (AAG) was produced at the Social Psychology Laboratory at the University of Barcelona, as an evaluation instrument based on Munné’s group activity model (1985) and Osgood's Semantic Differential. This instrument is of interest for research and intervention in both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. Numerical and graphic results of individuals, subgroups, group and meetings are obtained. The applicationis rapid and obtains a wealth of useful of information.




