Mujeres directivas, espacio de poder y relaciones de género


  • Ester Barberà
  • Amparo Ramos López
  • María Teresa Sarrió Catalá


Gender segregation, management style sex/gender system, empowerment.


This study has two main aims, both of which are related to gender segregation in the labour market and to the "glass ceiling phenomen on". The first is to establish why women with high educational qualifications and management capabilities tend not to reach the top of the organisational pyramid. The second is to investigate whether traditional management models, that is, masculine models, are able to respond effectively to the challenges of the current labour situation. To answer these two questions we will study the obstacles that women encounter in their attempts to build professional careers, and will also analyse gender diversity and the transformational management style. The starting point for the analysis is "gender perspective": that is to say, the sex/gender system is taken as a cross-sectional axis in the social and psychological analysis related to labour relations and empowerment.




