Temperamento del niño y personalidad de la madre como antecedentes de la seguridad del apego


  • Alfredo G. Brito de la Nuez
  • María Teresa Martínez-Fuentes
  • Julio Pérez-López


infant temperament, maternal personality, attachment security and infancy.


The aim of this study is to analyse the role of infant temperament and maternal personality, in attachment security in infancy. 41 mother baby dyads were observed. Maternal personality was assessed during the last trimester of pregnancy by Cattell's 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF, Seisdedos, 1981). From this questionnaire, we obtained the following personality traits: unxiety, extraversion, socialization and independence. Infant temperament was evaluated when babies reached 3 months old using the "Developmental Tasks and ratings scales for the laboratory assessment of infant temperament" (Matheny and Wilson, 1981); this instrument provided information about emotional tone, activity level, social orientation to staff; attentiveness and vocalizations. Attachment classification was assessed at 12 months using "Strange Situation" (Ainsworth and Wittig, 1969). The results suggest that infant temperament discriminated between secure and insecure infants. In contrast, maternal personality did not differentiate between secure und insecure infants. Both results are discussed in the light of the present literature.




