Conductas emergentes en sistemas de procesamiento de los sistemas de producción al límite del caos


  • Manel Viader Junyent


Leiser's article lays particular emphasis on artificial intelligence. This study evaluates the relevance of the contributions of AI to psychology. making allowance for the diflerences in approach, aims and methodology. Due to the dificulties inherent in Al's syrnbolic approach -an approach sometimes adopted unquestioningly by cognitive psychologists- we present a number of alternatives aimed at establishing a macroscopic level ofanalysis, whose properties emerge from the dynamics of lower levels, of subsymbolic character. We state the need for a redefinition of the functioning of the genetic algorithm in tems of the Boolean network. Finally, we comment on certain ideas that are essential to an evaluation of the compatibility of systems with dynamic properties -such as connectionist systems- with a constructivist stance in psychology.




