Procesos superiores y mecanismos inferiores, procesos inferiores y mecanismos superiores ¿Dónde está el equilibrio?
Pozo's proposal for a redefinition of the scope and limits of constructivist positions is analyzed as an attempt to reintegrate associative and constructive processes inside a conception of learning as a continuum. Three aspects of this proposal are briefy discussed, and certain related conceptual dificulties mentioned: a) the distinction suggested between the static and the dynamic construction of knowledge: b) the pairing of implicit theories and associative learning on the one hand, and explicit theories and constructive leaming on the other; c) the proposal that conceptual revolutions should be left on a higher plane, and the role and importance of other lower forms of conceptual change should be acknowledged. The article suggests that the dificulties confronting theoretical endeavours such as the one mentioned above derive to a large extent from the basic contexts in which research into learning has been carried out.Downloads
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