
It is a history magazine intended for specialists and the people interested in delving into specific topics. Among its objectives are to critically analyze the new lines of historical research, the review of aspects that have been modified; as well as making known the outstanding bibliography that has appeared in recent times on the various types of topics that are discussed in the articles, the states of the matter, or in the bibliographic contributions.

It is a research journal, in which the authors present new contributions of both content and methodology. This is structured in various sections: tributes, articles, states of the matter and bibliographic reviews, through which a varied knowledge is included that is structured in various areas, in such a way that each section presents new aspects to take into account.

The third stage of the magazine begins with issue 134. From now on, the publication will be online, except where an institution or an individual requests its printing on paper.

The content is restructured and this new stage includes articles, states of the art and bibliographical reviews on topics of Spanish history and general history corresponding to the stages that go from Prehistory to the present time.