Presentation act of the new stage of the magazine INDICE HISTÓRICO ESPAÑOL


The Center d'Estudis Històrics Internacionals of the University of Barcelona has the pleasure of inviting you to the presentation of number 134 of the spanish magazine Indice Histórico Español.

A new stage begins with a journal that also includes research articles, fully digitized and open access.

They will intervene:

Jaume Dantí, Director of Department of History and Archaeology,   

Paola Lo Cascio, of the magazine's management team,  

Ignasi Labastida, Rector`s Delegate for Open Science,   

Laia de Frutos Manzanares, collaborator of the number 134,   

And Xavier Gil Pujol, Professor of Modern History and collaborator of the number 134.  


The event will take place next 

May 5th

at 12:30 p.m. 

In room 221 of the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Barcelona

(Montalegre, 6)

free access