Noves perspectives per a la història de l'hospital premodern a la Corona d'Aragó: renovació historiogràfica i consolidació d'una disciplina emergent.




historiography, premodern hospital , "longue durée", total history, local history


The historiography of the premodern hospital underwent a process of renewal that was roughly framed between the sixties and eighties of the 20th century and based on the rejection of hyperspecific and commemorative approaches of an institutional nature. In Spain, this sensitivity took root with special intensity within the Catalan-Aragonese historiographical framework, with a first wave of researchers in the eighties and nineties and a second stage, starting in the early 21st century, which has consolidated the discipline. In this article we intend to present this renewal of the historiography of the premodern hospital and focus on two of its axes: on the one hand, the writing a longue durée history, with some of the challenges that it entails,
and on the other, the will to justify the relevance of the history of welfare through the inclusion of the hospital in its social context.



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Author Biography


He has a doctorate in Medieval Cultures from the University of Barcelona (2020) with the thesis: "Car vosaltres havets a veure sobre hospitals": el Consell de Cent i la construcció de la primera política hospitalària a la Barcelona baixmedieval. His research interests focus on the history of aid and power. His publications include Els administradors de l’hospital de la Santa Creu de Barcelona en el marc dels conflictes urbans del segle xv and Govern municipal, política assistencial i reforma hospitalària. El Consell de Cent i el paisatge hospitalari a la Barcelona medieval. He has been an associate professor in the Department of History at the University of Barcelona and is currently a Margarita Salas postdoctoral researcher at the University of Barcelona and in the Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale, linked to the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Italiana.




