This is an outdated version published on 2025-01-08. Read the most recent version.

La producció ceràmica del Regne de Sevilla al voltant dels segles xv-xviii: un estat de la qüestió sobre els estudis arqueomètrics




ceramic archaeometry, Kingdom of Seville, late medieval period, modern age, ceramic production.


This article synthesises the main studies on the archaeometric characterisation of ceramic production in the Kingdom of Seville, with particular attention to the latest studies and lines of research. These studies, which began in the 1970s, were focused on Sevilla and the export of its ceramics to the American colonies. This centralisation has traditionally sidelined the rest of the territory, relegating it to a marginal role and obscuring its participation in the commercial circuits of the time. However, the latest lines of research to which the TECNOLONIAL project has significantly contributed have emphasised the historical bias suffered by these other areas of the Kingdom, intending to correct it and obtain as much information as possible about these other production centres.


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Author Biographies

Júlia COSO ALVAREZ, PhD in Medieval Cultures, University of Barcelona

Júlia Coso Alvarez, Graduated in Archeology from the University of Barcelona (2016), and master's in Teacher Training (2017). PhD in Medieval Cultures (2024) in the framework of the Technological research project with the thesis "Producció i comerç de ceràmica al Regne de Sevilla en època baixmedieval i moderna segles XV i XVIII): una aproximació arqueomètrica" (ARQUB-GRAPCE). Among the years 2019 and in 2022 he had a research grant (Bosch i Gimpera Foundation) for to the training in the archeometric characterization of ceramics in the framework of the TECHNOLOGICAL project. In 2021, he did an international research stay of three months, financed by the Agustí Pedro i Pons Foundation, at the National Centre of Demokritos Scientific Research (Athens, Greece) in order to carry out studies of mechanical and thermal properties on archaeological ceramics. From December 2022 works as a research technician specialized in archaeometryceramics, Investigo Program, in the ARQUB-GRACPE research team. like that same, has participated in current competitive projects: Impacto tecnologico en el nuevo mundo colonial. Cambio cultural en arqueología y arqueometría cerámica"  (TECHNOLOGICAL). PID2020-117769GB-I00: "In territorio Orritense".  L'evolució del poblament prepirinenc de l'antiguitat tardana al mon medieval". ARQ-0001SOL-129-2022. "Priores, senyors i prínceps. Els espais de poder a la Catalunya medieval i moderna". ARQ001SOL-127-2022.




Jaume BUXEDA I GARRIGÓS, Professor of Archaeology and Archeometry, Faculty of Geography and History

Jaume Buxeda Garrigós is Professor of Archaeology and Archaeometry at the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Barcelona and is Vice-Dean for Research. He holds a degree in Geography and History (specialising in Archaeology), with a Bachelor's Thesis in Archaeology and Archaeometry (1990) and a PhD with extraordinary award (1994), in the same specialities, from the University of Barcelona. From 1989 to 1992 he was a predoctoral researcher with the FPI programme at the UB, going on to become a Postdoctoral Researcher at the CNRS (Lyon, France) (11/1994 to 10/1995) and at the NCSR Demokitos (Athens, Greece) (11/1995 to 12/1996). He subsequently held various postdoctoral contracts at the UB between 1997 and 2005, when he was appointed Associate Professor (2005) and University Professor (2017). He has specialised in archaeometry of ceramic materials (although he also works on lithic materials, mortars and wall paintings), using chemical, mineralogical and microstructural characteristics and the determination of mechanical and thermal properties. Other lines of work include compositional data and Digital Humanities. His preferred areas of activity are the Iron Age and the Classical World in the Mediterranean and the late medieval and modern expansion in America, focusing on the province, technology, technological change and the emergence of new colonial societies.

Marisol MADRID I FERNÁNDEZ, Associate Professor of Archaeology and Archeometry, Faculty of Geography and History- University of Barcelona

Marisol Madrid y Fernàndez has been associate professor of Archeology since 2015, and since 2021 she has held the position of associate professor of Archeology and Archaeometry at the University of Barcelona. During these years, he has directed two master's final theses and eight doctoral theses on archeometry with a focus on ancient ceramics. Seven of these theses have been successfully defended, and one of them is in progress. As an archaeologist, her research focuses mainly on the study of material culture, with a special emphasis on ancient ceramics. This research involves the use of two methodologies: archaeological and archaeometric. The integration of the results obtained from both disciplines allows a more reliable identification of the technological processes used to produce these materials, as well as the processes related to their trade and consumption. Consequently, this approach contributes to the understanding of the societies to which these materials belong. He has participated in more than 30 national and international competitive projects, among which stand out those that are in force, Mediterranean Connectivity Trade and Commercial Circuits in the Roman West (MEDCONTACCT), funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada; Cerámica oriental en el Mediterráneo occidental. El reto de la vajilla en rojo en un mundo de vasos negros (siglos II-I aC) (EASTWESTPOTS), funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation; and two financed by the European Union, AUTOMated enriched digitization of Archaeological liThics and ceramics (AUTOMATA), and the COST Action, Managing Artificial Intelligence in Archeology (MAIA).






