Call for abstracts - XX International Conferences on Political Philosophy
The organizing committee of the XX International Conferences on Political Philosophy: Politics and Humanity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence invites the academic community to submit abstracts for presentations in the Working Groups. The Conferences will take place on March 20-21, 2025, at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Barcelona.
Rules for Abstract Propositions
- Preliminary Rules
- Length: Abstracts should be between 500 and 1000 words.
- Accepted Languages: Abstracts may be submitted in Spanish, Catalan, English, or Portuguese.
- Submission Format: The document must be submitted in PDF format.
- Submission Limit: Each author may submit up to two abstracts.
- Abstract Structure
- Title.
- Keywords: Between 3 and 5 keywords.
- Author Information: Include the full name, affiliated institution, and contact email of the author.
- Body of the Text: Use Garamond font, size 12.
- Working Group (WG): Specify the name and number of the Working Group to which the abstract is being submitted.
- Bibliographical References: References will not count toward the word limit.
- Working Groups
Submissions should align with the description of one of the following Working Groups (for more information about the WGs, particularly their format, please see the attached document):
- Caminhos para a Soberania Digital do Sul Global: análise em camadas sociotécnicas do desenvolvimento e controle das tecnologias relacionadas a sistemas de inteligência artificial.
- Control Externo: límites y desafíos a la regulación de la inteligencia artificial.
- Democracia na era digital: demagogia, distopia e realidade.
- Farmacología de la inteligencia artificial: entre la proletarización general de los espíritus y las nuevas formas de individuación psíquicas y colectivas por venir.
- FIDIAS: ficción, desinformación, IA y subjetividades.
- Gobernanza global y inteligencia artificial.
- Filosofía del Estado: Estado e Imaginación en la Era CyberAI.
- Reevaluating epistemic autonomy in the digital age: from social media to generative AI.
- Seminario doctoral de filosofía política de la UAB.
- Deadlines and Submission
- Deadline for Abstract Submission: February 15, 2025.
- Submissions must be made exclusively through the form available at the official link:
For further information, please contact the Organizing Committee: