Call for abstracts - XX International Conferences on Political Philosophy


The organizing committee of the XX International Conferences on Political Philosophy: Politics and Humanity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence invites the academic community to submit abstracts for presentations in the Working Groups. The Conferences will take place on March 20-21, 2025, at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Barcelona.


Rules for Abstract Propositions


  1. Preliminary Rules
  • Length: Abstracts should be between 500 and 1000 words.
  • Accepted Languages: Abstracts may be submitted in Spanish, Catalan, English, or Portuguese.
  • Submission Format: The document must be submitted in PDF format.
  • Submission Limit: Each author may submit up to two abstracts.


  1. Abstract Structure
  • Title.
  • Keywords: Between 3 and 5 keywords.
  • Author Information: Include the full name, affiliated institution, and contact email of the author.
  • Body of the Text: Use Garamond font, size 12.
  • Working Group (WG): Specify the name and number of the Working Group to which the abstract is being submitted.
  • Bibliographical References: References will not count toward the word limit.


  1. Working Groups

Submissions should align with the description of one of the following Working Groups (for more information about the WGs, particularly their format, please see the attached document):

  1. Caminhos para a Soberania Digital do Sul Global: análise em camadas sociotécnicas do desenvolvimento e controle das tecnologias relacionadas a sistemas de inteligência artificial.
  2. Control Externo: límites y desafíos a la regulación de la inteligencia artificial.
  3. Democracia na era digital: demagogia, distopia e realidade.
  4. Farmacología de la inteligencia artificial: entre la proletarización general de los espíritus y las nuevas formas de individuación psíquicas y colectivas por venir.
  5. FIDIAS: ficción, desinformación, IA y subjetividades.
  6. Gobernanza global y inteligencia artificial.
  7. Filosofía del Estado: Estado e Imaginación en la Era CyberAI.
  8. Reevaluating epistemic autonomy in the digital age: from social media to generative AI.
  9. Seminario doctoral de filosofía política de la UAB.


  1. Deadlines and Submission




For further information, please contact the Organizing Committee: