«Beyond Future Inhibitors»

Metamodern Intrusions for the Restoration of Agency





Metamodernism, Psychoanalysis, Politics, Critical Theory, Epistemology


The arguments put forward in this brief article seek to challenge those places of social enunciation, production and reproduction that have been discursively co-opted with the aim of perpetuating a certain type of subjective alienation and its consequent political ineffectiveness. Following tropes taken from metamodern readings in the field of politics, epistemology and sociology, as well as intuitions and notions from psychoanalytic clinical cases discussed at length in fields of transference and discussion between analysts and analysands, the question that structures the following writing is the following: where has political agency gone? What has been institutionalized in its place? How can this critical dimensionality be recovered?

Author Biography

Juan Ignacio Iturraspe, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Docente y Doctor en filosofía por la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia especializado en teoría de la insurrección, psicoanálisis, teoría crítica y filosofía política. Director de la Revista Exosui, Revista Metaxis y miembro del comité de redacción de Revista Hénadas. Actualmente dedicado a la investigación y difusión del metamodernismo.. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1176-4036. E-mail: juan.iturraspe1990@gmail.com.


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How to Cite

Iturraspe, J. I. (2024). «Beyond Future Inhibitors» : Metamodern Intrusions for the Restoration of Agency. Astrolabio: International Journal of Philosophy, 1(29), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1344/astrolabio.v1i29.48075