Existence of correlation between the premolar and molar bite forces in the functioning of the mandicatory system. (A simplified approach)


  • A Dheyriat
  • J Frutoso
  • M Lissac


maximum bite force, manducatory system, occlusal traducer, momentum theory, voluntary clenching


The purpose of this study is to show the existence of a correlation between the premolar and molar clenching forces obtained during a voluntary clenching exercise. The study concerned 32 volunteers aged 21 to 28 with no manducatory problems. The forces were obtained using a device with four Kiowa traducers arranged in a complete Wheatstone bridge. The analysis of the results obtained showed that there was a positive correlation between maximum molar and premolar. The analysis also shows that these results are a direct application of the theory of momentum. This enables us to propose a simple biophysical model to explain the functioning of the mandicatory system.





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