Validation of biometric study of fetal mandibles by 3D tomodensitometric images
We carried out a biometric study of the mandible during the last two trimesters of fetal life using three-dimensional tomodensitometric images. We first validated the method of fetal mandible measurement from three-dimensional reconstructions, and then compared these measurements with direct measurements on dissected mandibles. Thanks to the biometric technique on three-dimensional images, dissection of mandibles is no longer necessary, allowing the material to be conserved for later studies. Tomodensitometric images of the whole fetal skull can be obtained in 10 minutes, a much shorter time than that required for dissection of the fetal mandible. Another major advantage is the possibility of computerized image storage, which allows subsequent studies on the same material, its observation and manipulation as well as exchange of findings with the research community, with no risk of damage to the original material.
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