Correlation between temporomandibular dysfunction, disturbances of occlusion and gingival recession in a group of youth students
The aim of this study was to investigate the relation between temporo-mandibular dysfunction (TMD), and disturbances of occlusion and gingival recession (GR) in a group of youth students. METHODS: The following measurements were performed: Anamnestic Index by Helkimo (AI), Diagnostic Index by Helkimo (DI), clinical evaluation of centric (CO) and excentric (EO) occlusion, clinical estimation of malocclusion and tooth malposition, anamnestic and clinical analysis of the occurrence of occlusal and non-occlusal parafunctions, anamnestic dysfunction of the vertebral column (ADVC), number of patients with GR or = and/or or = 2mm. RESULTS: Higher incidence of malposition teeth and ADVC were noted in a group of patients with CO disturbances. In the group of patients with disturbances of EO a significant higher number of patients with GR or = 2 mm and a significant malposition of the teeth was observed. In the group of patients with clinical dysfunctions of TMD anamnestic dysfunction was more frequent. In the group of patients with GR a significant dependence on the age was proved. In this group there was also an increased occurrence of malposition of the teeth as well as malocclusions. The multifactor etiology of TMD and GR shows necessity of the more sharp diagnosis based on the movement system test.
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