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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been published, nor has been submitted previously to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in "Comments to the Editor").
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect.
  • URL has been provided for reference whenever it is possible.
  • The text is single-spaced, using a 12-point font and apply italics rather than underlining (except for URLs). All illustrations, figures and tables are located in the position they deserve, not the end of the text.
  • The text meets the requirements established stylistic and bibliographical section "Directions for authors" page "About the Journal".
  • For shipments sections reviewed by experts, have followed the instructions in "How to make a blind review".

Author Guidelines

* Acceptance of articles

Articles submitted to the journal must be original, unpublished and not be subjected at the time of submission to an evaluation or consideration in any other magazine or publication. Articles on history of history of art and other fields of fine arts will be published. Must be sent to the e-mail address of the journal:

The original, once analyzed by the Editorial Board shall be subject to the external opinion of two specialists in the field. The evaluation method used will be the the “double-blind”, while maintaining the anonymity of the author and reviewers, after which, the Editorial Board will decide whether or not its publication.

When the articles will be accepted, they sent to the authors a first draft so they can make the necessary corrections (errors and grammatical changes), pledging to return the corrected in a period of less than two weeks.


* Presentation

The texts must be delivered in Word format, DIN A – 4, Garamond 12, line spacing 1, with an extension that does not exceed 25 pages including images.

The first page will only include the title in the original language of the text and in English, and a brief summary of the content of the work with a maximum of 120 words in the original language of the text and another of equal extent in English. For articles in English summary will be in Spanish or Catalan.

Each summary must be accompanied by between 3 and 5 key words in the two languages.

On another page will contain the title of the work, name of the author or authors, name of the University or affiliate institution to which it belongs and personal data: phone, postal address and e-mail.


* Language

The work should be written in one of the following languages: Catalan or Spanish, and English or French or Italian. In situations deemed exceptional by the editors, articles in other languages may also be accepted.

* Editing rules

1. The texts cited will be enclosed in quotation marks « ». Those who are in a different language than the original text will be translated into the footnote page.

2. Loose words written in other languages should be written in italics, including Latin abbreviations (ibid; id; below, above; op. cit).

3. The footnotes include the bibliographic reference if necessary.

4. Abbreviations of archives, museums and libraries shall be entered at the end of the work.

5. The article could contain a relationship bibliography at the end of the work.

6. The bibliographic references must be in accordance with the following criteria:

a) Book:

SURNAME or SURNAMES, name of author, Title, city where is edited: Publisher, year.

If there is more than one author will separate the respective last names with a semicolon. The expression et al. will be used for three or more authors.

BORONAT TRILL, Maria Josep, La política d’adquisicions de la Junta de Museus, 1890-1923, Barcelona: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 1999.

b) Chapter of book:

SURNAME or SURNAMES, name of the author, « Title » a SURNAME OR SURNAMES, name of author, title of the book, City: Publisher, year, pages.

BATLLE, Helena, « Exposicions i galeries d’art » a FONTBONA, Francesc (dir.), El Modernisme. Les arts tridimensionals, la crítica del modernisme, vol. IV, Barcelona: Isard, 2003, pp. 233-236.

c) Periodical publications:

SURNAME, name of author, « Title », Name of the magazine, number (integer or month-year of publication,), pages.

CORTÈS, Joan, « Recuerdos del viejo tiempo. El Saló dels Evolucionistes », Destino, núm. 1000 (6-X-1956), pp. 57-59.

d) Catalogues of exhibition:

Title of the exhibition, catalogue of the exhibition of the same name, city and site of the exhibition, date.

City where the catalogue is edited: responsible for the edition of the catalogue, year.

VIII « Saló dels Evolucionistes » de Barcelona, catalogue of the exhibition, Madrid: Palacio de Bibliotecas y Museos, 16/31-III-1932.

Barcelona: Casa de Catalunya, 1932.

e) Colloquium:

SURNAME or SURNAMES, name, «Title of contribution» a Name of the records (city, date), place where has been published: Publisher, year, pages.

J. YARZA LUACES, “Historiografía artística silense” a Silos. Un milenio (Actas del Congreso Internacional sobre la Abadía de Santo Domingo de Silos. Burgos, X-2003), Burgos: Abadía de Silos i Universidad de Burgos, 2003, pp.15-48.

f) Theses, dissertations, research papers:

Name of author, SURNAMES or SURNAMES, Title, University, Department, year of presentation, volume, pages.

Bárbara MARCHI, El Cercle Artístic de Sant Lluc, 1893-2009: Història d’una institució referent per a la cultura barcelonina, Universitat de Barcelona, Departament d’Història de l’Art, 2011, vol. 2, pp. 303-305.

g) Illustrations:

The original images will be delivered in JPEG or TIFF format with a minimum resolution 300 dpi.

The illustrations will be “figure”, their location will be displayed in the text in brackets (Fig. 1) and should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text.

The relationship of illustrations will be delivered in a document part in PDF format where images in small format accompanied by the numbering and data will appear.


Fig. 1. Joan Ferrer Miró, Exposició pública d’un quadre, 1888. Oil on canvas, 61 x86 cm. MNAC.

Fig. 2. Galería Dalmau. Photographic Archive Frederic Mompou, BC.

Fig. 3. Unknown author. Palace of Fine Arts of Barcelona, AFB.



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