La imatge d'Espanya en la Wiener Weltausstellung 1873: la nul·la projecció internacional de la I República


  • Joan Molet i Petit Universitat de Barcelona (UB)


architecture, hispanic art, national identity, Spain pavilions, universal exhibitions, Vienna, 1873


The abdication of Amadeo I precipitated the proclamation of the First Spanish Republic, on February 11, 1873, two and a half months before the solemn inauguration of the Universal Exhibition in Vienna. The new republican government, despite being overwhelmed by the Cantonalistas uprisings and the Third Carlist War did not renounce the participation of Spain in this great international event. But this presence was not exploited by the new regime to project a different identity of the country. The change of political system and its consequences did not find any relevance in the official chronicles of the exhibition and went completely unnoticed by visitors to the Spanish installation.

