The elision of the implosive /s/ in bilingual speakers of Mallorca



Elision, Implosive /s/, Phonological context, Position in the word, Grammatical function


The elision of the implosive /s/ in some varieties of Spanish has aroused great interest in the phonetic-phonological field. However, the elision of /s/ in the northern varieties is a field little worked, especially in the speech of the bilingual areas. This paper aims to study the possible elision of the implosive /s/ in bilingual Majorcan speakers. The initial hypothesis is that /s/ will be elided and the frequency of the elision will be related to the phonological context. The results obtained indicate that elision does take place. Likewise, it has been found that contact of /s/ with an adjacent nasal consonants and final position are factors that favour the elision of /s/. However, the grammatical function of /s/ does not affect this elision.


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How to Cite

Abraldes Tallón, L. (2021). The elision of the implosive /s/ in bilingual speakers of Mallorca. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 30, 152–167. Retrieved from


