DiapixSp: adaptation to Spanish and exploratory application of a tool to elicit spontaneous and collaborative speech
Diapix, DiapixSp, Elicitation tool, Spontaneous speechAbstract
This article presents the results of the adaptation and pilot testing of a new tool aiming at eliciting collaborative and spontaneous speech in Spanish, called “DiapixSp”, inspired in the “Diapix” task family, of recent creation (Van Engen, Baese-Berk, Choi y Bradlow, 2010; Baker y Hazan, 2011; Wester, Lecumberri y Cooke, 2014). After reviewing the theoretical foundations justifying and guiding the creation of elicitation tasks, and after revising previous research conducted using other “Diapix” materials, the new task is introduced: it is an elicitation task for spontaneous speech, which works via a collaborative “find the differences” game, in pairs, using pictures belonging to four semantic domains. The pilot test was conducted with 20 subjects (10 pairs), females and males, native speakers of Chilean Spanish. The analysis of the corpus showed that DiapixSp is (a) capable of generating sufficient linguistic materials, (b) that the contributions of the members of each pair tend to be balanced, (c) that the task does not lead to learning or training effects, and (d) that the different semantic domains show a tendency to elicit a comparable amount of linguistic materials. The results of the pilot also show that DiapixSp succeeds at eliciting spontaneous speech, despite the fact that its format allows for some control of the communication situation and the type of linguistic structures that will be elicited, and despite the fact that its application requires relatively few economic and time resources.
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