Lenition of the segment /-d/ in the Spanish imperative


  • Beatriz Mateo Segura


Spanish, phonetic variation, imperative, consonant lenition, voiced dental approximant, flap


In vernacular Spanish 2pp imperative forms (like cantad) are commonly replaced with the infinitive form of the verb (like cantar), although this is not accepted in the standard variety. This paper is a pilot study on the use of the infinitive instead of the imperative form. The main hypothesis that is that the form ending with a flap is the result of the reduction of /-d/, which reduces its length and this makes the imperative form coincide with the infinitive one. The results indicate that there are several degrees and forms of such reduction: voiced dental approximant, flap, voiced interdental fricative, trill and elision. In addition, it has been proven that the appearance of /-d/ and /ɹ/ is connected not only with the kind of word that follows the imperative, but also with the age of the speaker and with the phonological context. Additionally, the analysis of the data shows differences in the length of the differnts degrees or forms of reduction, which suggests the existence of a reduction in the duration of the consonant /-d/, which would also explain its potential interpretation as a flap.


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How to Cite

Mateo Segura, B. (2018). Lenition of the segment /-d/ in the Spanish imperative . Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 27, 37–74. Retrieved from https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/experimentalphonetics/article/view/44061


