Changes in Spanish phonetics since Navarro Tomás supported by experimental phonetics



Tomás Navarro Tomás, Spanish


Navarro Tomás is one of the great Spanish phoneticians. His Manual de pronunciación española (1918) is still the guide for many scholars who study the phonetics of this language. In this paper, I aim at discussing some statements by Navarro Tomás that can no longer be considered true as they were expressed a century ago, because experimental phonetics does not support them. Among these issues, one finds the question of voiced fricatives [ƀ đ y ǥ], the exact place of articulation of dental stops, the vowel height, and some assertions about accent and intonation. In addition, several studies suggest that voicing of stops is changing the features of many unvoiced consonants, a phenomenon that was not present in Navarro Tomás’ time, or that such author did not notice.


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How to Cite

Martínez Celdrán, E. (2018). Changes in Spanish phonetics since Navarro Tomás supported by experimental phonetics. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 27, 173–196. Retrieved from


