The influence of sardinian on the quality of stressed algherese vowels


  • Francesc Ballone Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Sardinian, Algherese, Catalan, segmental phonetics, stressed vowels


According to the literature, the Catalan variety spoken in Alghero is heavily affected by the influence of Italian (especially in the lexical field), and even more of Sardinian. The partial sardisation of Algherese is mainly attributable to the adstratum contacts of the latter with Sardinian, but also to the fact that Sardinian was the L1 of the majority of immigrants to the city of Alghero. Over the centuries, the Sardinian speaking immigrants became the most important ethnic group in Alghero; they contributed to maintain the Catalan koinè spoken in the town and, at the same time, they modified it. The main goal of the present work is to instrumentally evaluate the influence of Sardinian on the quality of the stressed Algherese vowels by means of a comparison of the vowel segments of the latter variety with the correspondent segments in other Catalan and Sardinian varieties. As a result, the obtained formant data indicate that Algherese vowels resemble acoustically more to those of Sardinian than to those of Catalan, suggesting that Sardinian immigrants to the city learned, over the past centuries, the Algherese Catalan adapting the vowel quality of this L2 to the acoustic patterns of their own L1.


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How to Cite

Ballone, F. (2015). The influence of sardinian on the quality of stressed algherese vowels. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 24, 83–140. Retrieved from


