«French r» in Sóller (Majorca) and its relationship with l1 and l2 acquisition in Catalan-dominant bilingual speakers
Sóller, alveolar trill, manner of articulation, place of articulation, phonetic interference, dorsalization, bilingualismAbstract
This article provides an overview of the dorso-uvular realization of the alveolar trill in the Catalan and Spanish spoken in Sóller. On the one hand, the anomalous sound known as «French r» has been acoustically characterized and compared to the French uvular fricative [ʁ], which triggered this dorsal variant due to a process of phonetic interference of French over Catalan in the past. On the other hand, in-ter-group differences between simultaneous bilinguals and early consecutive bilin-guals have been analyzed in order to demonstrate that the simultaneous acquisition of the two languages results in the production of sounds that are closer to the alveolar trill [r], whereas a clear dominance of Catalan, in terms of both acquisition and use, is strongly related to the anomalous dorso-uvular variant. Lastly, the possible differences between the samples in the two languages spoken by the subjects have been studied, concluding that there is a process of phonetic interfe-rence that affects the production of trills in the L2 of early consecutive bilinguals.
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