Intra- and inter-speaker variability of sibilant fricative /s/ in Argentine Spanish
sibilant fricatives, speaker recognition, acoustic parameters, intra-speaker variability, inter-speaker variabilityAbstract
This paper focuses on the analysis of the discriminative power of the sibilant fricative /s/, in order to incorporate this knowledge in future automatic speaker recognition systems. The selected fricative is the most frequent consonant in the corpus. An acoustical parameter ranking of /s/ was performed based on minor intra-speaker variability and maximun inter-speaker variability. Evaluation is performed on Argentine-Spanish voice samples from the SpeechDat database recorded on a fixed phone environment. The intensity, the third formant (F3), the first formant (F1) and the first spectral moment or Center of Gravity (CG) were the best ranked parameters. The sibilant fricative /s/, considered in isolation, has a speaker recognition equal error rate (EER) of 35% lower than the average of the total of 30 phonemes involved, confirming the importance of this phoneme for the discrimination of speakers as the sixth phoneme in importance, preceded by the vowels /e/, /a/, /o/ and /i/, and the nasal /n/.
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