Framework for the development of articulatory characterization studies over MRI images
articulatory characterization, cine-MRI, speech production, Basque, SpanishAbstract
In this paper an innovative framework is presented, designed and developed by our research team to enable the accomplishment of research works concerning the articulatory characterization of the sounds of a language from measures taken over MRI image sequences. As fundamental element there is the DicomPas software tool, developed by our team, which allows to carry out the measures of articulatory parameters over the MRI image sequences and the execution of ad hoc algorithms over such measures, facing the data processing, with the view to the subsequent extraction of knowledge, in the form of the generation of statistical or artificial intelligence inferences. This framework is currently being applied to the achievement of diverse studies in Basque and Spanish of the Basque Country. To do so, a database with two repositories of images taken in the midsagittal plane, corresponding to 18 different informants, is available.
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