Influence of visual information during the percepction of prosody of actuated emotions
emotions, visual information, speech perceptionAbstract
The fact of the audiovisual integration during the speech perception has been stated in several researches. It has been argued that access to visual information during speech perception provides intelligibility in the perception of sound message process. From this perspective, this research is to determinate, through perceptive analysis, the influence that the access to the visual information performs during the process of perception of the prosody of emotions. To reach this aim, we have built a corpus of controlled audiovisual speech samples. We got these samples from professional actors' registers. Later, parts of those samples were manipulated. We designed an experiment for perception with 152 participants. They had to listen and look at the audiovisual samples in the perception test so we could determinate the emotion that they perceived and select it among the options we present to them. Through the analysis of the result we could determinate that the listerners evaluate the information from the visual and auditory source. The availability of visual information changes the perception of acoustic information. To conclude, the product of visual perception process is a correlation of visual information processing and sound.
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