Phonetic variations of yeísmo: An acoustic study in women from the Rio de la Plata
yeísmo, Río de la Plata, allophonic variation, acoustic characterizationAbstract
This paper presents a thorough and systematic acoustic study of the allophonic variants of “yeísmo” in current Rio de la Plata speech. It describes the acoustic characteristics of fricative and affricate postalveolar segments, based on data from experimental methods. The corpus has 300 phonetic tokens from the recording of 5 women, native of Montevideo and Buenos Aires. First, this paper gives a review of the most important antecedents of the Río de la Plata “yeísmo” from different perspectives. In this way it shows the lack –and the need- of acoustic studies about this feature. Then, it describes the methodology used in this research. The main part of the paper focuses on the analysis and description of acoustic indexes of friction, palatalization and sonority of the allophonic variants of the Río de la Plata “yeísmo”. This data is based on the observation of spectrograms, spectrums and waveforms. Finally, the conclusions synthesize the most relevant aspects of the results obtained in the research.
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